The Planetary Cities of Light is a Group of Forty (GOF) project. The Cities of Light was downloaded under guidance of Juliano and We, the Arcturians. A tremendous amount of 5th dimensional (5D) energy was downloaded into the nominated cities, that now hold the 5D light and create an interphase between the 3rd and 5th dimension. It is an effort to bring our planet and the entirety of humanity into a higher dimensional vibration.
GOF is an organization uniting Planetary Healers and has 40 groups around the world. The local group was founded by John Murray and meets every 1st & 3rd Saturday at Casa del Monte under guidance by Vera Le Doux: 505-990-7347 - veraledoux@msn.com.
Our members are working with Taos City of Light to maintain and hold a spiritual vibration, which serves as a protective energy field so that lower vibrational 3D energies cannot dominate the energy of the city. This means that some of the devastations from Earth changes that are possible will not, or may not, affect Taos City of Light. Part of the creation of the Planetary Cities of Light involves allowing the energies of a just society to manifest. During our monthly reactivations we visualize that we are raising the spiritual light quotient and changing the entire infrastructure of Taos. Each reactivation has two parts, the release of 3D energy and the download of 5D energy.
Please help us visualize a dome of protective light over Taos City of Light.
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