Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ariana, the Graceful Lioness

I have met Ariana during a 6 month long channeling course with Story Waters. She popped up here and there during my automatic writings. She is a priestess and she belongs to the White Sisterhood of the Dove.

When I googled the name I have learned that Ariana means the Graceful Lioness. Now, this was not my first experience with the Lion Beings, as I dream that my partner, my mate is a shape shifter going back and forth from human shape to the humanoid lion, an upright being with lion features. I feel his name is Ara-El. We are of the Lion Tribe. We embody the TRUTH.

At the end of the course I had " a small awakening", a moment of being one with everything, being the Source, being the moment before the creation, this ultimate potential waiting for the spark. And that was the end of channeling for me. It is a challenger for me to separate myself from all that is in order to see some entity in front of me and have a conversation with it, creating separation in the sake of a dialog. So what I do, is that I  connect with the entity or one of her aspects that I wish to meet and experience and we merge our energy fields. We are one on quantum particle level. We dance, we flow - and I feel, I tune in....

So this is the story why I call myself Ariana - the future me, the one I choose to be.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Meet my friend!


Meet my friend, my indium fused crystal bowl (the true color is light blue), my "direct line to GOD". I feel it works with my throat chakra and my ability to speak the Truth.

I wish I could upload here all of my YouTube videos. Some of them are too large in size for this blog. Here's a link to complete list:

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Gathering of Tribes


Release it all!


I am ready to be who I am, to meet myself, my entity, my entourage.  To soar, to fly, to bask in my Freedom....

Love is the answer!


This is a big one - guided meditation with focus on loving your pain. It is part of who you are, it is your mile marker. It is your journey. Love your self, love your pain, love your journey!

Something NEW!


This video is not a Guided Meditation, it is something I have never done before. It all started with creating an image while listening to the Keys of Enoch class. Afterwards I thought I will sit down, tune in and "transcribe" the energies in my artwork.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Stepping up to plate....

My passions are guided meditations and interdimensional journeys, with a focus on planetary healing and on the awakening of the highest potential for all on the collective consciousness level. As we entered 2014, I incorporated both in personal healing sessions and thus the Adventures in Consciousness was born.
All the sessions I am offering have one thing in common - letting go of our fears, any sense of lack, mistrust of ourselves and others and all the emotions that make us feel we are less then what we are or what we can become. We create a blank canvas, a new starting point, from which we create something new, a new reality based on love, peace and harmony, not just as an ideal, but in our day-to-day experience. Together we step into the unknown and expand into the source consciousness. We become one with the Source, with all that is, and then we look back on our present reality with the eyes of unconditional love and we birth our selves anew. We awaken to the realization that we are LOVE.

Personal sessions are hands on healing sessions, where the client is laying on a massage table. Chakra and aura cleansing is followed be clearing of the emotional and mental body. Then we go together on a journey in consciousness. No two sessions are alike. Suggested donation $40 per session.

Recorded Phone/ Skype sessions are guided meditations, interdimensional journeys and adventures in consciousness. If you bring a question, it is very likely that you will have an answer by the end of the session. In the new level of expansion your answers will come before the question is asked. Very likely you will have no questions at all. It is all about becoming who you truly are. Suggested donation $40 per session payable by PayPal.

Group sessions are all about working with unified energy fields and holograms. We start with focusing on our own bodies, our own energy field, then we expand into the group, merging on the quantum particle level. We continue expanding, being one with the unified energy field of our community. The majority of the group work is done right here on the community level, creating a pocket of life, an energy field of healing and an intersection of dimensions. As we do that we are birthing a new just society based on unity, equality and unconditional love. Often we go on interdimensional journeys as a tool to expand into the galactic consciousness. Every session ends with expansion into the unified energy field of the planet, all her kingdoms and all of humanity. One for all and all for one. We share our own level of expansion with the collective consciousness knowing that each of us is a part of this hologram called Earth.

“A personal session with Ariana”
As Watsu takes us back into the womb, Ariana's Transformational Healing gives us a re-birth into a new life, free from the shackles of the past and where the uncertainty of the future becomes irrelevant. A new life filled with the presence of endless LOVE and LIGHT, for ourselves and everything around us.
If everyone could experience this Transformational Healing, our Mother Planet Earth would be saved and everybody and everything would enjoy eternal Love and Light, in every moment into eternity.
This has always been our intent, our birth vision and our collective world vision, for our time here on Earth. This Transformational Healing helps us re-awaken to what we have always known, helping us to connect with each passing moment and so, the transition to who we truly are becomes natural and easy. Michelle Locher, Taos, NM
 "Guided Meditations With Ariana"
A crystal singing bowl takes you deeper than words alone can lead you, going into the depths beyond the words. Here is where you find what you didn't know you needed to experience. The words of the guided meditation set the stage, but we leave the words behind as we unhook our mind from our day-to-day focus on ourselves and open to Spirit, the unknown, the emptiness of the Void, but always a form of Love. When we come back, we sit quietly and enjoy the memories of our experiences, perhaps discuss and process our recent time in No Time, Emptiness, or the fullness of other Realities. Mike Two Bears, Arroyo Seco, NM


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who is Ariana?

I am Ariana. I am dissolving my perception of  “self”. I release the last remnants of the past. I am and as I breathe deep into my own connection to myself, I realize that I am free only if I allow myself to be me. It feels like shedding a dark heavy cloak that served me very well in times past. Protection is no longer necessary. I breathe into a wider expansion of myself, encompassing and embracing all that is. 

I am meeting myself. I am meeting that which I am. To meet myself fully is a journey, a beautiful journey of remembrance. To meet myself means to heal myself. As I meet more and more of that which I am I liberate the physical body by bringing ever increasing amounts of light into the cells of the body. I remember who I am. As I breathe, I expand even more and meet other parts of myself, an entourage of my “selves”.  And it is a reunion, it is a celebration, it is a dance of victory. We are whole, we are mighty; we are one bright light with the power of a sun.  

I am a seed. I am a sprouting consciousness. I am new and in that, I am free. I am that I am. As I sprout I am in awe. Beautiful, beautiful world, from you I reach toward the sun. I reach toward the sun. And, my roots grow deep into Mother Earth. They envelop the entire planet. I am the planet. I am the new consciousness. I grow tall and I dare to speak my truth. Hesitantly at first, I develop a voice, the voice of the spirit. I am the spirit. 

I am the pioneer consciousness. What does it mean to be a pioneer? To go places no living soul has tread before, to dare to speak my truth?  It is a fire. It is a force that has to be balanced. Burning bridges, busting through veils, misunderstood time after time; I retreat into my “self”, into my Inner World. This is my kingdom, this is where I rule, and this is where I rejuvenate. I am the Phoenix rising, expanding out into my creatorship, contracting into this polarized reality. Do I need to? Do I really need to contract? What is stopping me from soaring into my ever widening expansion? Only I have the power to allow myself to contract, to doubt. What do I choose? I choose balance. I am tempering myself, hardening, toughening up, yet the goddess in me, the healer, the priestess asks for the gentle way. I find peace in nature. Here I am once again whole, free and innocent.  I am that I am.  

I am birthing something new, a new me. And I gift this world with that who I am. I am naked; I am raw; I am innocent, and I am the burning all transforming fire. I am all that I am. I take on a new cloak, a cloak of radiant light. I am the Warrior of Light! I am forging the Sword of Victory, Justice and Sovereignty with my fire, tempering it with water, the dove, the gentle way. 

Take my sword of balance, lead the way to the new realms of existence, bring harmony to this world, stability to this planet and know that there are no battles to fight except that one which each of us must go through alone; our unique journey to remembrance of who we are. Take my sword, cut through all your fears and if you wish to, if you are ready - cut your connection to third dimension.

I am that I am and in that I am free.

I am Ariana